Hey Adel

You know, we haven't known each other that long, but I wanted to let you know what's on my mind and about what happened. So please hear me out, you won't regret it!
I promise <3

You have the right to be angry with me

I don't want to search for any excuses but rather want to tell you that you are right. What I did was not right, and you did not deserve such stupid behavior from me towards you.

Me and my stupid mouth

Things and actions have been said and done - for that, you can hate me for sure.

What I want to say is...

If you could give me a second chance (and it will be the only one needed), I can prove you wrong.
I mean it pretty seriously about you.
I want to get to know you better and date you just how you wanted to be treated from the beginning.

Look at you, you gorgeous little 176cm pretty girl

I want to look again at that beautiful woman I was able to meet on the weekend - especially into those shiny, lovely eyes.

I got your back

I will show you with actions (not just words) that I can be that man to protect you, be your safety pin in every situation, and have your back no matter what.

Your warmth

Whether it's cuddling with you or having a talk about your feelings and emotions - I want to ask you about how your day was, how you have been doing during our dates, what I could do better, and be a trusted person for anything you want me to know.

Fooling around

If you get more and more comfortable with me, we can fool around and have fun.
You should know, your smile is the most beautiful curve you have on you.

Respecting culture and public behavior

No matter how much I want to hold your hand or give you a kiss in public, I won't do that unless you are more comfortable with it. I am deeply sorry for not behaving myself and not respecting your boundaries. You should feel safe and loved - I can and will provide that.
That's something I can swear on my mom.

Experience the world with you

You probably think, "why tf is this dude still texting and trying so hard after making such wrongdoings..."

You see, I still have a good feeling about us, and I really want to make my wrongdoings right. I won't force you into anything, and I will accept whatever you tell me.


After almost one month that we are in contact and after a weekend, I really had this in my mind: I like her. I want to make her happy. I just want to have eyes for her.

Feel kissed (on your forehead) by me and hugged.

Take care, Adel